A private equity-sponsored company in the construction services industry engaged Growth Operators to perform a nextLEVEL® Value Creation Plan. One of the most urgent needs coming from that assessment was a stronger planning & analytics platform. The company wanted to do a better job budgeting and forecasting both at the job level and at the total company level. The team also needed much better visibility into job-level profitability.
The company engaged Growth Operators planning & analytics advisory group to build a robust framework for budgeting, forecasting, and reporting important metrics and KPI’s to management and the board. One of our Growth Pros:
- Created a driver-based budgeting and forecasting model that enables real-time scenario-planning throughout the process.
- Created a financial and operational reporting package for management, the Board, investors and lenders.
- Created an intereactive dashboard using Microsoft Power BI that enables all field managers to track individual job margin in real time. It also improves billing accuracy by reducing potential errors before invoices are sent.
The company now has a scalable, bottoms-up budgeting and forecasting process that drives action and accountability. Stakeholders have clear visibility into the company’s monthly financial performance and the operating metrics behind those results thanks to a new montly performance report that can be prepared in a matter of hours. And field managers now have real-time information to maximize efficiency and and profitability on each job.
Unlocking this information helps the company run its business even better. The team is thrilled with its newfound agility stemming from quick-turn and real-time analytics. So thrilled, in fact, that they engaged our Growth Pro on a long-term basis to find newer and faster ways to make them an even more agile business.
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